Saturday, November 8, 2008

Work At Home


Work at home has to be one of the biggest wishes for more than a few of us. In fact, I'd go so far as to say, that if given a choice with no loss of income and total absence of stress, most of us, if not all of us, would chose to work from home. That's taken in consideration of course, that we like our home, because for some of us, we may dread our home and that could be the reason that we love to spend so much time away at work. Personally for me, I love my home and I love that my home gives me the choices that it does. If, I want to change my scenery, I just crank up and go. If, it is seafood for dinner, I populate my scenery with water views, be them lakes, rivers or oceans. If, I'm grilling chicken or other meats, I surround myself with country or forestry scenes. I don't know and maybe it's my imagination, but I think that it aids in digestion if you take in all the ambience while sitting down to a blessed meal. If, you take the time to prepare and cook the meal, you might as well enjoy the enviroment where the food items originated or nearly as proximate where the food items may have come from. That's the joy in working at home and earning from home.

The Plan with any "work at home" or "earn at home" opportunity should be to find a program or service that is credible, duplicateable and offers some reliable income that is predictably based on your performance. Afterall, a "work at home"
or "earn at home" opportunity should provide a realistic and legitimate product or service that people are lusting for and is not currently being totally-supplied in the current market conditions or a product or service that is unavailable in the curent market environment. What product or service could that possibly be? Heck, if I knew that, I would be selling that product or service. So, if you have a "work at home" or a "earn at home" opportunity that you are curently making money with and it is legitimate, duplicateable and something the public is lusting for, I'd sure love to hear about it. In the meanwhile, I'm going to continue working at home and taking my meals with nature, because in these times, 10 miles per gallon is pretty good for a house!
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